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About Lossie Long

Lossie had a great zest for life.  She sang in various choral societies, was a keen gardener and her garden in Bexhill featured prized hollyhocks.  She was an enthusiastic bridge player and loved dogs and until an advanced age enjoyed swimming in the sea at Bexhill where she owned a beach chalet (she did not like it being called a hut!).  Lossie was a dear, loving lady with a wonderful and forthright sense of humour and fun.  On an outing to Firle Place, she insisted on sitting at the front of the minibus next to the driver and told him that should he wish then she would be very happy to take over his duties.  Lossie loved and was much loved by her large and far flung family.  

Lossie joined the afternoon tea group in 2013 and attended the teas with great enthusiasm and she especially loved smoked salmon sandwiches.   When Lossie became unwell and had to go into a nursing home, we continued visiting her until her death on 23 January 2019.  Lossie generously left the Group a legacy and our work continues as a way of honouring her memory.  

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