How To Donate
In order to provide our monthly afternoon teas, lunches and fish and chip dinners we rely entirely on donations from guests and others. Also there is no charge for our Community Christmas Day Lunch on Christmas Day and donations of food and money are always welcome.
As a charitable organisation run entirely by volunteers and with no paid staff, the whole of your kind donation will be used to fund our activities.
If you would like to donate then you may do so by bank transfer (in which case please give your name as the reference):-
Our bank details are as follows:
Name of account: The Friends of Lossie Long
Bank: Lloyds
Sort code: 30 96 26
Account number: 70078268
Any questions please contact Tim on 07480 646 276 or 01424 213456.
Thank you for donating to The Friends of Lossie Long.